Friday, May 15, 2009

Wooo pessimism

Smorgas Chef
Originally uploaded by roboppy

That ^ is a Scandinavian restaurant I passed while exploring my new neighborhood. And this is a 10-minute post before work!

I can tell you, a couple things get old really fast. Here are some of the gems I am dealing with in my life right now:

- Waking up at 6:30 every weekday to work full time at an elementary school, to finish up my work study allowance. That got old after about a day.

- Dealing (passively?) with the fact that, during my move from Gramercy to a new place on East 49th, I LOST MY CLARINET. Now, you probably realize that, not having heard much about my clarinet-playing before, I'm not a virtuoso. But it still means a lot to me... to lose that clarinet in the trunk of a cab. Updates to come, if I ever get myself out of this pickle.

- Hearing my flatmate's poor sad kitten cry every day because she wants attention (food?) but not letting her out because she is not allowed in the main area of the apartment...

- Waking up at 6:30 every weekday to -- oh wait, I said that one already, didn't I? Well PARDON ME

Now it is time to brave midtown Manhattan rush hour!

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1 comment:

Emma said...

i ♥ u alex!! hey! things that don't get old: talking with emma for hours on skype! ;)