Saturday, April 25, 2009

Variations on Themes

I've been thinking about movies lately. I've become a movie person, it seems. I love when movies happen to strike very neat chords of relevance in my life, such as when Im Juli (In July) reminded me to welcome and be open to destiny.

Wall-E was also great because it came out right in the middle of my de-cluttering project(s), and Wall-E had a great system for organizing his treasures. :)

Anyway, this got me thinking: what are your favorite movies or TV shows that feature themes like clutter and, for those of you coming here for NYU info, the NYU area/New York?

Clutter movies/TV could have a character who's into organizing (I can think of one you might know of...), or maybe a clutter-related conflict. As for NYU and New York, I know I liked seeing Washington Square Park in scenes from When Harry Met Sally, but there are plenty of others. Which ones do you like?

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