Thursday, September 4, 2008

NYU: Gramercy Green

Here they are, the long-awaited photos of my apartment-style dorm at Gramercy Green. I am in room 1101, which is a 2-person studio on the inner, south-facing side of Gramercy, which is shaped like a U. Click the photos for bigger versions.

Here is our door. Entrez, si vous l'osez! My mom made that tulip welcome sign for A when she was bored.
Our entryway is kind of bare still. I want to get some affordable framed paintings or photos from the street fair next time it rolls around to our street.
Our kitchen is positively glorious for living in student housing. (The building was previously going to be luxury condos, so we lucked out. :P) At least in my opinion. The only problem is that all the smoke detectors in the building are extremely sensitive and they are located right past the archway near the stove haha. We've had about 9 fire drills now, because people have burnt eggs and such (and then "resolve" it by opening their front doors, successfully spreading the smoke to the main sensors).
Our small dining area and the view from our large windows. I confess, I've spied many a neighbor from here. NYU students have no shame haha. Jk. Maybe.
Backtracking a bit, toward the kitchen again and turning left, we have the bathroom. I love so many things about it; for example, the separate light in the shower area is pretty sweet.
More of the bathroom. Weird tiling, eh? Our ceiling in here is weirdly tall. But the resulting enormous cabinets are a nice plus.
This is my side of the room (left of the windows). It's pretty messy and currently rather sparsely decorated, because I'm stingy. But I decided this is not clutter since I know the exact location of all my belongings at school. :P
Uhhh that's not my super messy desk area... :O
A's side! I did ask her for permission to post this and the part of the door earlier. I'm not a horrible roommate, I swear.
The lights I fashioned to be a pretty heart over the archway. My mom suggested this when she was here, so our neighbors could see the masterpiece haha.
Closet. Kinda ugly.
Our view. We face kind of southwest and it's much better than last year! So much ♥ ♥ ♥

P.S. I changed the layout of the blog, because I was getting tired of the dots. I think this looks more professional. It's still not my own design, it's Blogger's, but what do you think? Like/no like?

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Back Garage said...

I like the new layout. But I think what really draws people into this blog (I speak from experience) is the name, so you've already won once people come to visit.

Anyway, thanks for the pictures! I hope we see more as the year progresses. Really reminds me of my freshman year of college when I moved from Michigan to Chicago to live here. I felt I really lucked out as a college student to live in a loft-style building with our own kitchen and bathroom. So congrats to you, too!

Nyumomfromca said...

Ugh, I had to sign up for a Google account,just to post my comment!!!

Sorry for the whining. I really like the look of the new layout--very professional looking, but why is the link to the pics called "cracked out?" You know I am old and not hip to these things. Did you send these pics to your Gramma and Grampa????? Love, Mom